
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » EMPLOYMENT » Current employment status » Unemployed

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EMPLOYMENT Current employment status Unemployed
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Employment status Transgender people, Sweden, 2014 Unemployment status Working aged, Germany, followed 17 years, 1996-2013 Employment status 18+ aged general public European Union, 2008 Employment 18+ aged general public, West Verginia USA, 2003 Employment status Rural population, Ireland, 2007 Employment status Rural population, Ireland, 2001 Unemployed 18+ aged general public, World, 2004 Being unemployed 18+ aged. general public, Germany 2003-2008 Employment status 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Employment status 18+ general population. Gauting city region, South Africa 2011-215 Unemployed 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Employment of husband 18-35 aged women, Poland, 2003-2011 Unemployed 18-65 aged, followed 2 years before and after social security reform, Germany 2001-2006 Employment 18-59 aged women in 24 European nations 2002 - 2012 Unemployment 15+ aged, general public, 54 nations, 1980 - 2008 Employment of husband 18-35 aged women, Poland, 2003-2011