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Correlational Subjects » AFFECTIVE LIFE » Current affective life » Intensity of affects

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AFFECTIVE LIFE Current affective life Intensity of affects
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Emotionality Secundary school pupils, The Netherlands, 1970 Shallow affect Undergraduate students, Nassau Community College, USA, 1970 Hedonic level of most elated moments Undergraduate students, Nassau Community College, USA, 1970 Hedonic level of most depressed moments Undergraduate students, Nassau Community College, USA, 1970 Hedonic level of most elated moments Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60 Hedonic level of most depressed moments Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60 Being more influenced by peaks than by dips. Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60 Extreme anger, occasional liability to Male college students, England, 1912 Extreme depression, occasional liability to Male college students, England, 1912 Hedonic level of most elated moments Female college students, Radcliff USA, followed 6 weeks, 1957 Hedonic level of most depressed moments Female college students, Radcliff USA, followed 6 weeks, 1957 Emotionality: level of emotion Married female graduates of liberal arts college, Univ. of Connecticut, USA,1971 Intensity of feelings Academics, England, 192? identification Adults, general public, West Germany, 1979 Anxiety Army recruits, Norway,199? Boredom Army recruits, Norway,199? Pleasure Army recruits, Norway,199? Anger Army recruits, Norway,199? Feel fit Army recruits, Norway,199? Grumpy Army recruits, Norway,199? Tension Army recruits, Norway,199? Humiliation Army recruits, Norway,199? Sexual lust Army recruits, Norway,199? Sadness Army recruits, Norway,199? Shame Army recruits, Norway,199? Indifference Army recruits, Norway,199? Feeling offended Army recruits, Norway,199? Sense of guilt Army recruits, Norway,199? Affect intensity Undergraduate students, US, 199? Intensity of positive Affect Students , USA, 1989 Interaction of positiv and negative affect Students , USA, 1989 Frequency of positve affect Students, USA, 1989 Intensity of positive affect Students, USA, 1989 Frequency and average affect Students , USA, 1989 Frequency of positive affect Students, USA, 1989 Intensity of positive affect Students, USA, 1989 Maximizer Students , USA, 1989 Unstrained affect 60+ aged, Israel, 1991 Affect intensity Managers, United States, followed 16 working days, 1996