Study Blanchflower & Clark (2021): study ZZ Europe 2009
- Public
- 15+ aged, general public, 35 European nations, 2009 - 2019
- Survey name
- EU-Eurobarometer combined waves
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1246028
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Living with children (vs no children in same marital category)
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Children from a 'previous union' can be children of the respondents partner (= 'step children' for the respondent)
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- 1: living with children
a: married
b: cohabitating
c: single
ca: never married
cb: divorced/separated
cc: widowed
0: Living without children (reference)
Observed Relation with Happiness
Married: children of this marriage M = 2.94
Married: no children M = 3.01
- difference -0.07
Married: no children M = 3.01
- difference -0.03
and current marriage M = 3.02
Married: no children M = 3.01
- difference +0.01
Cohabiting: children this union M = 3.06
Cohabiting: no children M = 3.05
- difference -0.01
Cohabiting: no children M = 3.04
- difference 0.0
this union M = 2.99
Cohabiting: no children M = 3.04
- difference -0.05
Never married with children M = 2.96
Single no children M = 2.99
- difference -0.03
Divorced/separated no children M = 2.79
- difference -0.06
Widowed no children M = 2.81
- difference -0.19