Study Schober & Schmitt (2017): study DE 2007
- Public
- Parents, partnered and single, Germany, 2007 - 2012
- Survey name
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2378
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Mothers' employment status
- Our Classification
- Distribution
Mother full-time: M = 9.15
Mother part-time: M = 31.54
Mother not employed: M = 51.44
Mother unemployed: M = 6.44 - Operationalization
- 1: Mother employed
a: Mother part-time employed
b: Mother full-time employed
0: Mother not employed (reference)
Observed Relation with Happiness
b-fix controlled for:
- Characteristics of respondent
- mother in education
- childcare support from relatives
- childcare and housework hours of fathers
- fathers’ employment status
- ln of household income
- maternal health
- marital status
- age of youngest child
- number of children
- Characterstics of country
- county unemployment rate
- county expenditure per capita
- dummy of missing county expenditure
- year dummies and dummies for county border
- moving between counties