Study Odermatt & Stutzer (2014): study ZZ Europe 1990
- Public
- 15+ aged, 41 European countries and regions 1990-2011
- Survey name
- EU-Eurobarometer combined waves
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 629930
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Children in household
- Our Classification
- Distribution
Having no child, Range: 0-1; M=0,605; SD=0,489
Having one child, Range: 0-1; M=0,131; SD=0,337
Having two children, Range: 0-1; M=0,093; SD=0,290
Having three children, Range: 0-1; M=0,026; SD=0,159
Having four children, Range: 0-1; M=0,009; SD=0,094
No info about children, Range: 0-1; M=0,137; SD=0,344 - Operationalization
- Number of children under age 15 in household
0 no children
4 +
E: No information in HH
Observed Relation with Happiness
b (+.001) controlled for
- Individual characteristics
- age
- age squared
- education
- marital status
- occupation
- National characteristics
- gdp per capita
- unemployment rate
- inflation rate
b unaffected by additional control for:
- cigarette price
- other tobacco policies
- beer tax