
Correlational findings

Study Odermatt & Stutzer (2014): study ZZ Europe 1990

15+ aged, 41 European countries and regions 1990-2011
Survey name
EU-Eurobarometer combined waves
N = 629930
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Our Classification
Education up to age 17, Range: 0-1; M=0,252; SD=0,434.
Education up to age 18-21, Range: 0-1; M=0,394; SD=0,489.
Education up to age +22, Range: 0-1; M=0,262; SD=0,440.
Being student, Range: 0-1; M=0,092; SD=0,289.
No fulltime education, Range: 0-1; M=0,003; SD=0,055
A Education until
    1 less than age 15 (reference)
    2 age 15
    3 age 16
    4 age 17
    5 age 18
    6 age 19
   7 age 20
   8 age 21
   9 age 22+
B: Being a student
C: No full time education

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.03 p < .01 Education until age 15  (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.04 p < .01 Education until age 16  (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.06 p < .01 Education until age 17  (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.09 p < .01 Education until age 18  (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.11 p < .01 Education until age 19  v(vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.13 p < .01 Education until age 20  (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.14 p < .01 Education until age 21  (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.16 p < .01 Education until age 22+ (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = +.22 p < .01 Being a student         (vs less than age 15) O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b b = -.10 p < .01 No full time education  (vs less than age 15)

b controlled for
- Individual characteristics
  - age
  - age squared
  - marital status
  - occupation
- National characteristics
  - gdp per capita
  - unemployment rate
  - inflation rate

b unaffected by additional control for:
  - cigarette price
  - other tobacco policies
  - beer taks