Study Petilliot (2018): study DE 2010
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany 2010
- Survey name
- DE-SOEP 2010
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1988
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
The ban on late-night off-permise alcohol sales in Baden-Wuerttemberg
- Authors's Label
- Ban on alcohol sale
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- 1 N = 516; 0: 584
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- Ban on alcohol sale between 10 pm and 5 am in gasstation, supermarkets and kiosks
1 Month after ban (March 2020)
0 Month before ban (February 2010
Observed Relation with Happiness
Treated: March M = 6,94
- difference -0,25
Propensity score matched averages yielded similkar results
- alcohol use
- health
- gender
- education
- age, age squared
- marital status
- income
- children
- employment
- city
b unaffected by additional controls for dats and interaction of daya and treatment
Non-drinkers b = -.10 (ns)
Different statitical analyses yielded the same results