
Correlational findings

Study Requena (2016): study ZZ Europe 2012 /1

15+ aged general public, 29 European countries, 2012 Wealthy nations (GDP higher than 20,000) and developing nations (lower than 20,000)
Survey name
EU-ESS 6: 2012
N = 56835
Non Response
Interview: Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)


Authors's Label
Our Classification
Wealthy countries: Mean (SD):
a) 0.04 (0.00); b) 0.32 (0.47); c) 0.35 (0.00); d) 0.12 (0.00); 0) 0.18 (0.00)
Developing countries: Mean (SD)
a) 0.004 (0.062); b) 0.25 (0.43); c) 0.33 (0.47); d) 0.04 (0.19); 0) 0.38 (0.49)
Related specification variables
1 Non big city
   a) Farm or home in countryside
   b) Country village
   c) Town or small city
   d) Suburbs or outskirts of big city
0 Big city (reference)

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = +.04 p < .01 COUNTRY SIDE (vs big city)
Wealthy countries
O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = -.01 ns Developing countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = +.45 p < .001 Wealthy countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = -.65 p < .01 Developing countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = +.02 p < .01 COUNTRY VILLAGE (vs big city)
Wealthy countries
O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = -.02 p < .01 Developing countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = +.17 p < .001 Wealthy countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = +.02 ns Developing countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = -.02 p < .01 SMALL CITY (vs big city
Wealthy countries
O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = -.05 p < .01 Developing countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = +.06 p < .01 Wealthy countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = -.11 p < .001 Developing countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = +.02 p < .01 SUBURBS/OUTSKRITS OF BIG CITY (vs big city)
Wealthy countries
O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = -.04 p < .01 Developing countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = +.21 p < .001 Wealthy countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a b = -.42 p < .001 Developing countries

b values controled for:
- personal characteristics
- income
- marital status
- employment
- social capital
- selfrated health
- personal freedom
- personal value
O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = -.03 p < .01 Big city in Wealthy countries O-HL-u-sq-n-11-a r = +.09 p < .01 Big city in Developing countries