Study Moorman (1993): study US 1990
- Public
- Employees, United States, 1990
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 270
- Non Response
- Assessment
Multiple assesment methods
Company A: complete a questionnaire face-to-face; Company B: web questionnaire
- Authors's Label
- Affect based job satisfaction
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- Cronbach's alpha = 0.86
- Remarks
- Brayfield-Rothe Job Satisfaction Scale (1951), Brayfield & Rothe
- Distribution
Company A: M = 3.61; SD = 0.47
Company B: M = 3.84, SD = 0.49 - Operationalization
- self report on 19 statements, e.g.,
- "Most days I am enthusiastic about my work";
- "I find real enjoyment in my work";
- "I feel fairly well satisfied with my present job";
d. "Each day of work seems like it will never end (R)";
- "I consider my job rather unpleasant (R)"
Rating scale not reported
Observed Relation with Happiness
negative affect: r = -.23 (001)
Correlation with affect balance not reported, but must be positive and significant