Study Joshanloo (2018a): study ZZ World samples 2006
- Public
- 15+ aged, 94 nations, 2006-2007
- Survey name
- INT-Gallup World Polls
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 97739
- Non Response
- Assessment
Multiple assesment methods
face-to-face and phone interviews
- Authors's Label
- Purpose in life
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Originally coded 1: yes, 2: no, which yielded a positive correlation. This order was changed by the WDH team to fit the standard presentation, Accordingly, the sign of the correlationwas changed to negative
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on single question:
Do you feel your life has an important purpose or meaning?
1 = yes
0 = no
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Individual characteristics
- age
- gender
- sufficiency of household income
- religiosity
- Nation characteristics
- average purpose in life
- average religiosity
The control for average purpose in life means that the negative b value denotes seeing more purpose than average in nation