Study Burton et al. (1993): study US 1976
- Public
- 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981
- Survey name
- US-National Longitudinal Survey of Older Men 1976
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2285
- Non Response
- 16.7%
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Role confuguration
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- T1. 1976, T2. 1981 Excluded those who were not employed at T1, not retired or employed at T2, and unmarried at T1.
- Distribution
N (white men): A=922, B=59, C=600, D=128
N (black men): A=274, B=38, C=167, D=103 - Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- A married/spouse only
B employed/worker only
C married and employed (worker and spouse)
D no roles: retired men who aren not marrried and unemployed (reference)
Observed Relation with Happiness
White Black Difference
no role M = 3.22 3.37 0.15(ns)
worker M = 3.36 3.47 0.11(05)
spouse role M = 3.50 3.38 0.12(05)
worker+spouse M = 3.54 3.53 0.01(ns)
T1 T2
Worker only (vs no role)
- All +.10(ns) +.03(ns)
- whites +.00(ns) +.00(ns)
- blacks +.21(ns) +.07(ns)
Spouse only (vs no role)
- All -.18(05) +.20(01)
- whites -.18(ns) +.21(01)
- blacks -.21(ns) +.17(ns)
Worker + spouse (vs no role)
- all -.08(ns) +.19(01)
- whites -.07(ns) +.17(05)
- blacks -.11(ns) +.23(05)
Betas with T2 happiness controlled for
- T1 happiness (to capture change)
- education
- T2 region of the country
- T2 city size
- T1 role in spouse only
- T1 role in worker only
- T1 role in worker and spouse
- T2 role in spouse only
- T2 role in worker only