
Correlational findings

Study Stull (1988): study US 1975

58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979
Survey name
US-CPS multiple waves
N = 300
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face
T1: pre-retirment in 1975 or 1977 T2: post-retirement in 1977 or 1999


Authors's Label
Joint leisure activities
Our Classification
T1: pre-retirment in 1975 or 1977 T2: post-retirement in 1977 or 1999
Related specification variables
Selfreport on two questions:

A. Entertainment: How often the couple goes out together,  such as to dinner or the movies?
B. Organizations: How many organizations (volunteer or professional) the couple belongs to?

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa Beta = +/- ns T1 happiness by T1 entertainment (pre-etirement)
- Husbands Beta = +.05(ns)
- Wives    Beta = -.08(ns)

T1 happiness by T1 organization
- Husbands Beta = -.01(ns)
- Wives    Beta = +.03(ns)

Beta controled for T1:
- husband's occupation
- wives employment
- household income
- own health
- spouse health
- spouse happiness
- contacts with relatives
O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa Beta = +/- ns T2 happiness by T2 entertainment (post-etirement)
- Husbands Beta = +.08(ns)
- Wives    Beta = +.04(ns)

T2 happiness by T2 organization
- Husbands Beta = +.07(ns)
- Wives    Beta = -.05(ns)

Betas controled for T2:
- household income
- wives employment
- own health
- spouse health
- spouse happiness
- joint leisure activities
- contacts with relatives
O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa Beta = +/- ns T1-T2 CHANGE of happiness by T2 joint entertainment
- Husbands Beta = +.07(ns)
- Wives    Beta = +.05(ns)

T1-T2 CHANGE of happiness by T2 joint organizational participation
- Husbands Beta = +.04(ns)
- Wives    Beta = -.06(ns)

Betas additionally controled for T1 happiness