Study Richter et al. (2018): study DE 2007
- Public
- Mothers and their child, Germany, 2007/8
- Survey name
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 291
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)
Both mother and child completed a verbal ability test
- Authors's Label
- Frequency of shared activities with child
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- Cronbach alpha = 0,80
- Distribution
- M = 2,48, SD = 0,37
- Operationalization
- Mother's selfreport on question 'How often have you or your child's main caregiver engaged in the following activities with your child in the last 14 days?
A: singing children's songs
b: going for walk outdoors
c: painting or doing crafts
d: playing cards, borad games or other games together
e: going to the playground
f: visititing other families with children
g: going shopping with child
h: watching TV or video together
i: playing computer or internet games tohgether
j: going to childrens theater, the circus, museums, exhibitions or similar
k; reading telling child stories in German
1 not at all
4 daily
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Child's characteristivs
- age
- sexe
- self regulation
- having sibbling
- visit daycare or school
- Mother characteristics
- education
- verbal ability