Study Muffels et al. (2012): study ZZ Europe 2008
- Public
- 18+ aged general public, 47 countries, 2008
- Survey name
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 67216
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Log Relative Household Income
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Self rated household income on list of 10 income cetegories
The log household income relative to the average income in the country
Observed Relation with Happiness
OPRC controlled for (model 4):
- Personal characterisctics
- age, age quadric, age quadric*sex
- seex
- log household income
- Nation characteristics
- log GDP/capita
- unemployment rate
- Personal characteristics
- employmnet status
- marital status
- bad health
- low income status
- Nation characteristics
- log GDP/capita
- income inequality (GINI)
- average endorsement of social values
- average endorsement of modernization values