Study Graham & Nikolova (2013a): study ZZ North America 2010
- Public
- 15+ aged general public, North America, 2010- 2012
- Survey name
- INT-GallupWorldPoll2012
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 10000
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
The surveys are face-to-face in countries where telephone coverage is limited, and by telephone in those where it is universal (primarily the OECD countries).
- Authors's Label
- Access to information and communication technology
- Our Classification
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- Self report of home access to
a: Landline phone
b: Cell phone
c: TV
d: Internet
Observed Relation with Happiness
OLRCs controlled for
- Individual charecetics:
- Age
- Age squared/100
- Female
- Married
- Married and female
- Education: highschool or higher
- Household income
- Employed full time
- Urban area
- Child in household
- Household size
- Learned or did something interesting yesterday
- Regional and Year Dummies
The associations are most positive in the poorer regions of the world where the technologies are scarcest, and negligible in those places where they were most common.