Study Shin & Johnson (1978): study US 1975
- Public
- Heads of households, Illinois, USA, 1975
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 665
- Non Response
- 17%
- Assessment
- Interview: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
- Authors's Label
- Number of children
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Self report
Observed Relation with Happiness
- resources only
- resources
- assessments
- resources
- comparisons
- resources
- assessments
- comparisons
- race
- sex
- age
- income
- education
- house ownership
- marital status
- number of household members
Assessments: satisfaction with:
- standard of living
- leisure time
- housing
- health
- education
- community
- government
- perception of being happier than others
- perceived financial improvement in the past few years.