Study Helliwell et al. (2018): study ZZ World samples 2005
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, 157 nations, followed 7 years, 2005-2012
- Survey name
- INT-GallupWorldPoll 2006-2011
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 157
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Delivery Quality Government
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- Mean +0,01; SD 0,96; Min -1,69 Max 2,20
- Operationalization
- Average z-score for the World Bank' s World Wide Governance Indicators (WGI):
-Government Effectivenes
-Regulatory Quality
-Rule of Law
-Control of Corruption
Observed Relation with Happiness
Beta controlled for:
-Democratic Quality of Goverment
-Year fixed effects
-Logged GDP per capita
- Healthy life-expectancy
- Average perceived freedom to make life choices
- Average generosity
- Average perceived availability of social support
Beta controlled for:
-Year fixed effects
-Country fixed effects
-Changes in Democratic Quality of Government
-Logged GDP per capita
-Healthy life expectancy
-Average perceived freedom to make life choices
-Average Generosity
-Average perceived availability of social support