Study Diego-Rosell et al. (2018): study ZZ 2011
- Public
- 15+ aged, general public, 153 nations, 2011-2013
- Survey name
- INT-Gallup World Polls
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 370635
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
79% face-to-face, 21% telephone
- Authors's Label
- Demographic factors
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on 6 questions:
a gender
b age, age2
c years of formal education
d marital status
e location
f birthplace
g number of children in household
Observed Relation with Happiness
LMG controlled for:
- material well-being
- physical health
- social support
- occupational well-being
Additional control for community,governance and altruistic behavior factors did not effect OLRC significantly.