Study Beja Jr. (2013): study ZZ 2000
- Public
- Married women, 44 nations, 2000
- Survey name
- INT-WorldValuesSurvey 5
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 14013
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Financial satisfaction
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- Quintile M = 3,57, SD = 1,02
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on single question: "How satisfied are you with the finanial situation of your household?"
1 (completely dissatisfied)
10 (completely satisfied)
Observed Relation with Happiness
Fin. satisf. b p< b p< b p<
Quintile 2 + .80 01 + .86 ns + .85 .01
Quintile 3 +1.41 .01 +1.59 .01 +1.69 .01
Quintile 4 +2.60 .01 +2.18 .01 +2.89 .01
Quintile 5 +3.70 .01 +3.32 .01 +4.57 .01
b's controlled for:
- INDIVIDUAL characteristics:
- age (+ age squared)
- education
- income
- selffulfillment
- perceived fate control
- employment status
Unaffected by additional control for NATIONAL characteristics
- GDP pc
- female labor participation rate