Study Schnitzlein & Wunder (2014): study DE 1984
- Public
- 12+ aged, siblings, West Germany, followed 26 years,1984-2010,
- Survey name
- DE-SOEP 1984-2009
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 7398
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Multiple assesment methods
- Authors's Label
- Siblings sex
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Sexe of sibling
a brother
b sister
c mixed-sex
Observed Relation with Happiness
a M = 7.27 SD = 1.71
b M = 7.28 SD = 1.73
c M = 7.30 SD = 1.70
a M = 7.38 SD = 1.76
b M = 7.44 SD = 1.75
c M = 7.42 SD = 1.76
a M = 7.09 SD = 1.65
b M = 7.11 SD = 1.71
c M = 7.18 SD = 1.63
a M = 7.25 SD = 1.66
b M = 7.23 SD = 1.69
c M = 7.24 SD = 1.67