Study Diener & Tay (2015): study ZZ 2005
- Public
- 15+ Aged, general public, 164 nations, 2005-2013
- Survey name
- INT-Gallup World Polls
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1229431
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
In addtion Interview: telephone (CATI)
- Authors's Label
- Annual income GINI
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- A Gini coefficient of 0 indicates complete equality within a nation and a Gini 1.0 means that a single individual possesses all of that resource and all other people are at zero.
- Distribution
- M=43.64, Range from 74.54 (Rwanda) to 27.11 (Israel)
- Operationalization
- Gini coefficient of income distribution in nations.