
Correlational findings

Study Borgatta et al. (1982): study US 1978 /1

18+aged general public, USA 1978-80
Survey name
US-GSS 1978
N = 2994
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Problem drinking (PRDRUNK)
Our Classification
a : 73%, b: 27% Problem drnkers 37%
Selfreport on 2 questions:
a: Do you ever have occasion to use any alcoholic beverages such as liquor, winer or beer, or are you a total abstrainer?
- yes
- no
b: Do you sometimes drink more than you think you should?
- yes
- no
Problem drinker is 'yes' on both questions

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa r = -.06 All O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa Beta = +.06 p < .001 O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa r = -.07 65- aged O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa Beta = -.07 p < .001 O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa r = -.03 45+ aged O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa Beta = -.05 p < .01 O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa r = +.01 65+ aged O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa Beta = 0 ns Beta's controled for
- age
- sexe
- education
- church attendance
- race
- satisfaction with family
- satisfaction with health
- life crisis events
- income
- belief that people are fair and helpful
- smoking
- urbanity

Correlations reported with Unhappiness, sign changed by WDH-team