Study Clark et al. (2015): study DE 1992
- Public
- 16+ aged general public, Germany, followed 14 years; 1992-2012
- Survey name
- DE-SOEP 1992-2012
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 368000
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Poverty
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Assessed every years b, c and d only individuals who participated more than 10 years in the panel
- Operationalization
- Yearly equivalence household income
1) Poor, below 60% of median equivalent income in nation
0) Not poor
a) Incidence: whether individual is poor
b) Intensity: how poor an individual is
c) Chronic poverty: occurrence of periods of poverty
d) Persistence of poverty: to what extent those periods are linked together
e) Past poverty
Observed Relation with Happiness
b-fix's controlled for:
- Employment status
- Age group
- Number of years of education
- Marital status
- Dummy for East Germany
- Number of children in the household