Study Oswald & Winkelmann (2008): study DE 2000 /1
- Public
- Lottery winners, Germany, followed 3 years, 2000-2007
- Survey name
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 198
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Substantial win
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- M= 0: €1668 1:€31.539
- Operationalization
- 0 Small wins < €3633
1 Large wins >= €3633
T0 = year before the win
T1 = on average 6 months after the win
T2 = on average 18 months after the win
T3 = third year after the win
Observed Relation with Happiness
Without controls With controls
T0-T1 DM = -0.24 DMs = -0.23
T0-T2 DM = -0.28 DMs = -0.20
TO-T3 DM = +0.20 DMs = +0.35
DMs controls for T0:
- employment
- household size
- male
- age, age squared
- german
- married, never married (excluded category:
separated, divorced or widowed
- years of education
- logarithmic household income
- health satisfaction