Study Sachs (2016): study ZZ 2015
- Public
- 15+ aged, general public, 119 nations, 2015-2016
- Survey name
- INT-GallupWorldPoll2016
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 199000
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Multiple assesment methods
- Authors's Label
- Global Competitiveness Index
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Annuallly produced by the World Economic Forum.
- Operationalization
- Index of:
a. Institutions
b. Infrastructure
c. Macroeconomic environment
d. Innovation
e. Business sophistication
f. Market size
g. Health & primary education
h. Higher education and training
i. Good markets efficiency
j. Technological readiness
k. Financial market development
l. Labor market efficiency
Observed Relation with Happiness
No controls
- sustainable development goals index
- global competitiveness index 2015-2016
- index of economic freedom 2016
- GDP per capita
- unemployment rate (IEF data set)