Study Luechinger (2010): study ZZ Europe 1979
- Public
- 14+ aged, general public EU nations 1979-1994
- Survey name
- EU-Eurobarometer ?
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 223982
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Numbers of children
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- 1: no children (reference)
2: one child
3: two children
4: three children
5: four or more children
Observed Relation with Happiness
b's controled for
- household income
- personal characteristics
- age
- gender
- marital status
- employment status
- education
- rural/urban living
- Country characteristics
- real GDP
- unemployment rate
- % GDP agrarian
- % GDP industrial
- % GDP FDI flows
- urbanization
- Climate
- % cloudy per month
- rain
- temperature
- vapor pressure
- Country effects
- Year effects
Similar results in analysis using:
- Probit Adjusted OLS (POLS)
- Instrumental Variable (VI)