Study Rode (2013): study ZZ World samples 1995
- Public
- 18+ years, general public, 87 countries, 1995-2005
- Survey name
- INT-WorldValuesSurvey 1994-2008
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 180000
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Social trust
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Self-report on a single question: "In general, do you think most people can be trusted?"
- Distribution
- M=0,26 SD=0,15
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- Percentage of people in a country who think that most people can be trusted.
1: Most people can be trusted
0: Can't be too careful
Observed Relation with Happiness
In 87 nations
b controls for:
-average memberships
-importance of God
-log GDP per capita (PPP)
-unemployment rate
-divorce rate
-economic freedom
-regional dummies
-period dummies
-size of government INSTEAD of economic freedom
-legal system and property rights INSTEAD of economic freedom
-sound money INSTEAD of economic freedom
-freedom to trade INSTEAD of economic freedom
-regulation INSTEAD of economic freedom
Similar coefficients are obtained when size of government, legal system and property rights, sound money, freedom to trade and regulation are controlled for INSTEAD of economic freedom.
Similar coefficients are obtained when size of government, sound money, freedom to trade and regulation are controlled for INSTEAD of economic freedom. When legal system and property rights are controlled for instead of economic freedom, social trust is not significant.
b controls for:
-average memberships
-importance of God
-log GDP per capita (PPP)
-unemployment rate
-divorce rate
-economic freedom
-regional dummies
-period dummies
Similar results are obtained when economic freedom is instrumented by:
- air distance to New York, Rotterdam, and Tokyo
- the fraction of the population that speaks English as a mother tongue
In sum: Social trust is positively associated with average life satisfaction in nations.