Study Elliott & Hayward (2009): study ZZ World samples 1999
- Public
- 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004
- Survey name
- INT-WorldValuesSurvey 4
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 93142
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Employment status
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- M=0,51 SD=0,50
- Operationalization
- 1: Employed for pay
0: Other
Observed Relation with Happiness
-religious attendance
-personal religious identity
-belong to the largest religious group dummy
-religious affiliation dummies
-freedom index (reflects government regulation of civil, religious, and political freedom)
-proportion of population in largest religion
-country level religious affiliation dummies
-freedom index and religious attendance
-freedom index and "am a religious person"
Method used is hierarchical linear modelling.