
Correlational findings

Study Elliott & Hayward (2009): study ZZ World samples 1999

18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004
Survey name
INT-WorldValuesSurvey 4
N = 93142
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Religious attendance
Our Classification
M=3,95  SD=2,12
Related specification variables
Frequency of attendance at religious services, from 1 (never) to 7 (more than once per week).

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-c-sq-n-10-a b = +.04 p < .05 b controls for individual characteristics:
-employment status (employed=1)
-personal religious identity
-belong to the largest religious group dummy
-religious affiliation dummies
O-SLW-c-sq-n-10-a b = +.04 p < .05 b additionally controls for national characteristics:
-freedom index (reflects government regulation of civil, religious, and political freedom)
-proportion of population in largest religion
-country level religious affiliation dummies
O-SLW-c-sq-n-10-a b = +.05 p < .001 b additionally controls for cross-level interactions between:
-freedom index and religious attendance
-freedom index and "am a religious person"

The positive effect of religious on happiness falls as the regulation index increases, based on the coefficient of the interaction term.
Beta=-.05 (p<.001)

Method used is hierarchical linear modelling.