Study Nesterko et al. (2013): study DE 2006 /1
- Public
- 16+ aged migrants, Germany, 2006
- Survey name
- DE-SOEP 2006
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2971
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Country of origin
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- a) 754 (25.4%), b) 453 (15.2%), c) 244 (8.2%), d) 465 (15.7%), e) 641 (21.6%), f) 376 (12.7%)
- Operationalization
- Country of birth:
a) Germany
b) Turkey
c) Ex-Yugoslavia
d) West-European countries
e) East-European countries
f) Other countries
Observed Relation with Happiness
Turkey M=6.34 (CI: 6.18-6.51)
Ex-Yugoslavia M=6.64 (CI: 6.42-6.86)
West-European countries M=7.01 (CI: 6.84-7.17)
East-European countries M=7.02 (CI: 6.88-7.16)
Other countries M=6.80 (CI: 6.62-6.98)