Study Senik (2011): study ZZ Europe 2002 /1
- Public
- 15+ aged general public, 13 EU nations, 2002-2009
- Survey name
- EU-ESS 1-4: 2002-2010
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 65371
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- France
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- 1: Living in France
0: Grand mean happiness of 13 other EU countries:
a) Belgium
b) Switzerland
c) Germany
d) Denmark
e) Spain
f) Finland
g) France
h) Great-Britain
i) Netherlands
j) Norway
k) Portugal
l) Sweden
m) Slovenia
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Immigrants status
- Age and age squared
- Gender
- Household income
- Marital status
- Being unemployed
- Region of origin
- Country of residence
- Survey year
- Immigrant status*France
Unaffected by additional controls:
- GDP growth per year
- Unemployment rate
- Inflation
- GDP (per capita)
- Hours worked
- Life expectancy at birth
Interactions suggest that people in France relatively get happier than in the other 12 countries of having above average income, of being young, and of being male.