Study Senik (2011): study ZZ Europe 2004
- Public
- 15+aged intra-European migrants, 13 EU nations, 2004-2009
- Survey name
- EU-ESS 2-4: 2004-2008
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2560
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Divorced
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Order reversed by World Database of Happiness team.
- Operationalization
- Self-report on single question:
This question is about your legal marital status not about who you may or may not be living with. Which one of the descriptions on this card describes your legal marital status now?
1: Never married
0: Legally divorced/Civil union dissolved
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Gender
- Age and age squared
- Household income
- Being unemployed
- Country of origin
- Year-fixed effects
- Country of residence