Study Headey (2008): study DE 1990
- Public
- 16+ aged, general public, Germany, 1990-2004
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 3553
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Current priority for life-goals
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- T2-T3 over-time correlation: Success goals: r = +.49, Family goals r = +.49, Altruistic goals: r = +.41
- Remarks
- T1: 1990, T2: 1995, T3: 2004 Assessed at T3. Average importance of ratings, transformed to dummy-variable by split at the mean
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on questions on perceived importance of goals:
a: being able to buy things
b: fulfilling your potential
c: success in job
d: having children
e: having a good marriage
f: being involved in social and political activities
g: helping other people
Rated: 1 'very umimportant' to 4 'very important
Grouped on the basis of factor analysis
A: zero-sum goals: succes (a+b+c)
B: non-zero-sum goals; family life (d+e)
C: non-zero-sum goals altruism (f+g)
Observed Relation with Happiness
Beta's controlled for
-current priorities for the alternative goals
-internal locus of control
-having a partner
-years of education
-disposable household income
-health disability
Beta's very similar for men, women and respondents in prime age (25-59).