
Correlational findings

Study Tesch-Römer et al. (2008): study ZZ 1999

18+ aged, general public, 57 countries, 1999-2004
N = 74395
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Gender inequality norms
Our Classification
Countries where gender inequality on the labour market is widely accepted:
Albania 31.5, Bangladesh 16.5, Bosnia-Herzegovina 47.7,
Bulgaria 45.1, China 43.0, Indonesia 40.2, Iran 22.7, Japan20.8, Korea 27.1,Kyrgyzstan 39.4, Macedonia 35.2, Malta 44.2, Moldova 38.9, Morocco 7.9, Nigeria 29.9,  Philippines 15.5, Poland 47.8, Romania 47.4,Saudi Arabia 8.6, Slovakia 45.2, Uganda 47.7, Viet Nam 45.2,

Countries where gender inequality on the labour market is widely rejected:
Argentina 61.0, Austria 54.4, Belarus 63.8, Belgium 69.6, Canada 78.5, Chile 51.6, Croatia 63.2, Czech Republic 65.9, Denmark 89.4, Estonia 75.5, Finland 83.2, France 68.3, Germany (West) 55.7, Great Britain 68.6, Greece 72.6,
Hungary 66.7,Iceland 94.3, Ireland 76.9, Italy 56.8, Latvia 69.5, Lithuania 63.3, Luxembourg 64.0, Mexico 55.8, Netherlands 83.8, Peru 67.1, Portugal 59.8,Singapore 54.4, Slovenia 67.8, South Africa 56.3, Spain 68.0, Sweden 93.4, Tanzania 56.7, Ukraine 60.0, United States 81.9, Venezuela 52.6
Percent of the population agreeing with the statement: When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women.

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-c-sq-n-10-a r = -.28 M/F DIFFERENCE in happiness by average acceptance of unequal treatment in 57 nations

In countries where gender inequality is accepted, women are relatively unhappier then men if the share of working women is higher.
O-SLW-c-sq-n-10-a r = +.24 In countries where gender inequality is rejected, women are relatively happier then men if the share of working women is higher

M/F Difference in happiness:
South Africa       -0,391
Bulgaria           -0,306
Portugal           -0,235
Belarus            -0,224
Venezuela          -0,213
Luxembourg         -0,167
Ukraine            -0,158
Italy              -0,155
GreatBritain       -0,153
Greece             -0,152
Kyrgyzstan         -0,144
Albania            -0,138
France             -0,105
VietNam            -0,074
Bosnia-Herzegovina -0,065
Moldova            -0,059
Austria            -0,053
Hungary            -0,039
Lithuania          -0,038
Bangladesh         -0,035
Denmark            -0,007
Romania            +0,002
Sweden             +0,005
Estonia            +0,006
UnitedStates       +0,011
Argentina          +0,012
Spain              +0,013
Netherlands        +0,030
CzechRepublic      +0,041
Malta              +0,044
China              +0,060
Iceland            +0,064
Mexico             +0,064
Ireland            +0,074
Singapore          +0,080
Slovakia           +0,083
Indonesia          +0,086
Peru               +0,086
Belgium            +0,096
SaudiArabia        +0,096
Latvia             +0,102
Nigeria            +0,109
Philippines        +0,112
Japan              +0,116
Korea              +0,119
Poland             +0,123
Germany(West)      +0,149
Canada             +0,158
Morocco            +0,165
Slovenia           +0,172
Finland            +0,176
Chile              +0,183
Croatia            +0,185
Macedonia          +0,285
Iran               +0,408
Tanzania           +0,523
Uganda             +0,528

Although none of the coefficients are significant (due to the small sample size), the differences between the negative and positive pairs of correlations
are significant (life satisfaction: z = 1.86, p < .05).