Study Baker et al. (2005): study US 1986
- Public
- 60+ aged, USA, followed 3 years 1986-1989
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1279
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Number of productive activities
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- Cronbach alpha: .72
- Remarks
- Assessed at T1 (1987) Housework not included, since 97% reports to be involved
- Distribution
- Range 0-16, M: 4,7, SD: 2,9
- Operationalization
- Number of productive activities participated in during the last year:
a. paid work (regular/ irregular employement)
b. volunteering (religious, political, educational, senior group/ other)
c. caregiving (acute or chronic care for friend/ relative/ neighbor)
d. informal helping (errands/ housework/ childcare/ other)
e. do-it-yourself (home improvement/ canning/ yard work/ car repair)
Observed Relation with Happiness
T2 happiness
- not too happy 3,1 N = 147
- pretty happy 4,7 N = 688
- very happy 5,2 N = 444
T2 life-satisfaction
- dissatisfied 3,1 N = 42
- somewhat dis 3,7 N = 54
- neutral 4,3 N = 243
- somewhat sat 5,0 N = 168
- very satisfied 4,9 N = 773
- Kind of activities
- physical
- social
- social support
- health
- Socio-demographic variables
- age
- gender
- race
- marital status
- Socio-demographic variables
- age
- gender
- education
- race
- marital status
- T1 health
- T1 kind of activities
- physical activity
- social activities
- religious participation
T1- social support
- T1 happiness (indicating CHANGE in happiness)