Study Winkelmann & Winkelmann (1998): study XZ Germany West 1984
- Public
- 20-64 aged males, Germany, followed 6 years, 1984-1990
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 4183
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Labour market status
- Our Classification
- Distribution
1984 A;3530 B:445 C:208 D:248
1985 A:3043 B:382 C:233 D:206
1986 A:2856 B:385 C:175 D:226
1987 A:2858 B:370 C:182 D:218
1988 A:2661 B:347 C:189 D:200
1989 A:2563 B:392 C:125 D:207 - Operationalization
- Registration in the official unemployment register:
A Employed (including fulltime & parttime employment and excuding self-employment)
B Out of labour force
C Unemployed
D Employed with unemployment experience: unemployed in at least one of the other years.
Observed Relation with Happiness
Year N Mean CI95
1984 4183 7,4 [7,37 7,50]
1985 3658 7,2 [7,17 7,30]
1986 3416 7,3 [7,22 7,35]
1987 3410 7,2 [7,12 7,25]
1988 3197 7,1 [7,02 7,15]
1989 3080 7,1 [7,06 7,19]
Year N Mean CI95
1984 3530 7,6 [7,58 7,70]
1985 3043 7,4 [7,36 7,48]
1986 2856 7,5 [7,39 7,52]
1987 2858 7,3 [7,25 7,38]
1988 2661 7,2 [7,16 7,29]
1989 2563 7,3 [7,19 7,32]
Out of Labour Force
Year N Mean CI95
1984 445 6,7 [6,45 6,92]
1985 382 6,9 [6,67 7,11]
1986 385 6,8 [6,62 7,06]
1987 370 6,9 [6,66 7,09]
1988 347 6,7 [6,44 6,89]
1989 392 6,7 [6,50 6,94]
Year N Mean CI95
1984 208 5,6 [5,20 5,98]
1985 233 5,3 [4,96 5,64]
1986 175 5,4 [5,06 5,75]
1987 182 5,7 [5,36 6,09]
1988 189 5,9 [5,57 5,90]
1989 125 5,8 [5,34 6,25]
Employed with unemployment experience
Year N Mean CI95
1984 248 7,3 [7,00 7,57]
1985 206 7,1 [6,83 7,39]
1986 226 6,9 [6,63 7,17]
1987 218 6,9 [6,66 7,20]
1988 200 7,0 [6,71 7,26]
1989 207 6,9 [6,67 7,19]