
Correlational findings

Study Schyns (1998): study ZZ 1990

18+ aged, general public, 40 nations, early 1990s
N = 400000
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Economic prosperity
Our Classification
Related specification variables
1990 real GDP (Real Gross Domastic Product per capita in US dollars) from the Human Development Report 1933

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a r = +.64 p < .001 O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = +.39 p < .05 rpc controlled for 'culture component' (Index of: Political and civil right + Gender equality + Individualism) O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = -.31 ns Within poor countries (Real GDP < $8000, N=17) O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = -.09 ns Within poor countries (Real GDP < $8000, N=17) controlled for culture O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = +.40 ns Within rich countries (Real GDP > $8000, N=23) O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = +.11 ns Within rich countries (Real GDP > $8000, N=23), controlled for culture O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = -.22 ns Within culturally restricted countries (N=13,  The group was split between the Russian federation(culturally restricted) and Japan(culturally free) with the index of cultural component) O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = -.12 ns Within restricted countries (N=13), controlled for culture O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = +.63 p < .001 Within free countries (N=26) O-HL-u-sq-v-4-a rpc = +.49 p < .05 -  Within free countries (N=26), controlling for culture