Study Stutzer & Frey (2006): study XZ Germany West 1984
- Public
- 15+ aged, general public West Germany, 1984-2000
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 15268
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Age
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Only Ss aged 20 t0 60
- Operationalization
- Age in years
Observed Relation with Happiness
This pattern is similar for steadily married and never married Ss
Steady singles are about one point less happy over the ages 20 to 50 but around age 60 they get equally happy as steadily marrieds.
Ma controled for:
- education
- parenthood
- household income
- household size
- position in household
- employment
- place of residence
- citizenship status (migrant or not)
Mean happiness reflects both change over time (of the same subjects) and differences in age at the start of this panel.