Study Mookherjee (1997): study US 1986
- Public
- 60+ aged, general public, USA 1982-91
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 3049
- Non Response
- not reported
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Satisfaction with friends
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- N: 1= 213 2= 671 3= 2165
- Operationalization
- Single question on satisfaction with friends:
1.not satisfied
2.somewhat satisfied
3.well satisfied
Observed Relation with Happiness
2. M= 2.07 SD= .63
3. M= 2.34 SD= .64
- socio-demographic variables:
- Gender
- Race
- Marital status
- Education
- Financial status
- Place of residence
- Religious membership
- Religious attendance
- satisfaction with:
- Neighbours
- Non-working activities
- Family
- Health
- Finance