
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Phenomenology of happiness

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MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Phenomenology of happiness
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Phenomenology of happiness, lived experience, mental gestalt of happiness
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Hoffmann, R. Zur Psychologie des Glücks: Eine empirische Untersuchung. (On Psychology of Happiness: An Empirical Study.)
Doctoral Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilian University, 1981, München, Germany
Ramzy-Saleh Guirguis, N.; Hermans, H.J. Correlates of Psychological Well-Being and Emotionality.
Gedrag: Tijdschrift voor Psychologie, 1973, Vol. 1, 64 - 91
Strasser, S. Contribution à la Phénoménologie du Bonheur Humain. (Contribution to the Phenomenology of Human Happiness).
Revue d`Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses, 1953, 103 - 122
Strasser, S. Das Gemüt. (The Mind).
Verlag Herder, 1956, Heidelberg, Germany
Thomas, L.E.; Chambers, K.G. Phenomenology of Life Satisfaction among Elderly Men: Quantitative and Qualitative Views.
Psychology and Aging, 1989, Vol. 4, 284 - 289
Vryhof, P.H. Geluk en Angst als Existentiële Ogenbliksbeleving. (Happiness and Anguish as an Existential Momentaneous Experience).
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Psychologie, 1953, Vol. 7, 446 - 469
Privette, G. Peak Experience, Peak Performance and Flow: A Comparative Analysis of Positive Human Experiences.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1983, Vol. 45, 1361 - 1368
Rossi, M.M. Psicologia della Felicita. (Psychology of Felicity).
Rivista di Psicologia, 1926, Vol. 22, 149 - 157
Rümke, H.C. Phaenomenologische- en Klinisch-Psychiatrische Studie over Geluksgevoel. (Phenomenological and Clinical/Psychiatric Study of Happiness).
Doctoral Dissertation, Leiden University, 1923, Netherlands
Scott, E.M. Happiness: Protocols of Teenagers.
Bulletin of Catholic Psychiatrists, 1967, Vol. l4, 69 - 82