
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS » Measurability of happiness » Reliability of happiness measurements » Sources of bias » Contextual bias

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MEASUREMENT of HAPPINESS Measurability of happiness Reliability of happiness measurements Sources of bias Contextual bias
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Contextual bias, situational error
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Schwarz, N.; Strack, F. A Judgement Model of Subjective Well-Being.
Forgas, J.P.;et al;Eds.: "Recent Advances in Social Psychology", Elsevier, 1989, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 267 - 276
Schwarz, N.; Mai, H.P.; Strack, F. Assimilation and Contrast Effects in Part-Whole Question Sequences: A Conversational Logic Analysis.
Zuma-Arbeitsbericht, Nr. 90/01, 1990, University of Mannheim, Germany
Strack, F.; Martin, L.L. Verfügbarkeit und Verwendung selbstbezogener Informationen in der Befragungssituation. (Availability and Use of Information about Self in an Interview Situation).
Paper presented at the 35th Congress German Society of Psychology, Heidelberg, 1986, Germany
Fox, C.R. Correlations, Causes and Heuristics in Surveys of Life Satisfaction.
Social Indicators Research, 1992, Vol. 27, 221 - 234
Schwarz, N.; Strack, F. Reports of Subjective Well-Being: Judgmental Processes and Their Methodological Implications.
Kahneman, D.;Diener, E.;Schwarz, N.;Eds.: "Well-Being: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology", Russell Sage Foundation, 1999, New York, USA, 61 - 84
Pavot, W.; Diener, E. The Affective and Cognitive Context of Self-Reported Measures of Subjective Well-Being.
Social Indicators Research, 1993, Vol. 28, 1 - 20
Höfer, S.; Hickey, A.; McGee, H.; O'Boyle, C.A.; Ring, L. Judging Quality of Life: The Influence of Cognitive Processes.
Poster, Innsbruck Medical University, Austria
Smith, D.M.; Schwarz, N.; Todd, R.; Ubel, P.A. Why are you Calling Me? How Study Introductions Change response Patterns.
Quality of Life Research, 2006,Vol. 15, 621 -630
Bolle, F.; Kemp, S. Can we Compare Life Satisfaction between Nationalities? Evaluating Actual and Imagined Situations.
Social Indicators Research, 2009, Vol. 90, 397 - 408
Norasakkunkit, V.; Kalick, S.M. Experimentally Detecting how Cultural Differences on Social Anxiety measures Mispresent Cultural Differences in Emotional Well-Being.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2009, Vol. 10, 313 - 327