
How to update this database on a topic

A main function of this database is to facilitate the continuous gathering of research findings on happiness, so that scholars can build on earlier collections. Since research on happiness is growing fast, this source will never be fully up-to-date. If you want to use it for a research synthesis on a topic, proceed in the following way.

Check the Bibliography
Search publications on the subject in the Bibliography, for example, happiness and ‘education‘. A list of publications will appear. If you click on a publication, a screen with detail will appear on which you can see 1) whether it reports an empirical study, 2) if so, whether the results of that study are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive and 3) whether this has already been done or not.
List the publications that report eligible studies, the findings of which have not yet been entered in the findings archive and decide for which studies inclusions is required for your purpose.

Complete the Bibliography?
Consider to check whether the Bibliography is fully up-to-date. Is that required for your purpose? If so, do a literature search, keeping in mind that this requires that you must inspect all additional publications for fit with the concept of happiness.
If you do, have us enter these publications to the Bibliography; we can do that most efficiently and a check from our side is required anyway. You can reduce costs by sending us for each publication separately 1) a copy in pdf and 2) a completed ‘Publication notation form‘.

Enter new findings
Once publications are included in the Bibliography, proceed to enter the reported research findings on happiness in the finding archive. This requires 1) description of the findings in a standard format and terminology and 2) classification in the extended subject classification and 3) eventual adjustment of the subject classification.

Entering new findings requires considerable expertise and for a one-time entry of a limited number of findings you best have us do that. In that case, you check our entries. If you keep track of a topic on a continuous basis, it will pay off to master this skill and enter the findings by yourself. In that case, we will check your entries. This latter situation holds for research associates who take responsibility for maintaining a part of the database.

You can facilitate our entry of new findings by describing each tentatively on the Finding notation form . This will not only save costs but will also help you to master the technique.

In all cases, you will need our support which we cannot provide for free anymore. Tell us what you want and we will send you an offer. Count with a minimum of Euro 50. You may use that quote in applications for funding of this synthetic research. Mail to: 

Your name will be recorded for each of these additions. This allows for a view on how many additions you have made on what topics in what period. In the long run, this will denote the links you added to the extending chain of knowledge about happiness. In the short run you can mention these additions in review of your academic output

Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO)
Erasmus University Rotterdam, POB 1738 NL3000DR Rotterdam, Netherlands