
Arrangements for sponsors

  • Sponsors commit for periods of 4 years
  • Sponsors are mentioned on the website, both in the general list of sponsors and in the sponsored sections of the database. They are also mentioned in derived publications, such as the periodical review articles to be discussed below.
  • EHERO staff is available for presentations for the sponsor’s employees and business contacts.
  • Sponsors of a particular topic pay for: a) updating the database on that subject, b) followed by the writing a scientific review paper. the aim of which is to provide a complete overview of what we currently know on this subject and what we do not yet know. An example of such a paper is found here.
  • If desired, sponsors can advise on, or co-author, such review papers. EHERO decides in the end on the text. In the case of disagreement, sponsors are free to present their views to the academic forum independently.
  • For sponsors of a particular topic, EHERO guarantees that no other organisations (so no competitors either) will be accepted as a sponsor for the same theme

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Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization EHERO, Erasmus University Rotterdam. POB 1738, NL3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands, E-mail: