Wright et al. (2002): study US 1997
- Author(s):
- Wright, T.A.; Cropanzano, R.; Denney, P.J.; Moline, G.L.
- Title:
- When a Happy Worker is a Productive Worker: A Preliminary Examination of Three Models.
- Source:
- Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 2002, Vol. 34, 146 - 150
- Public
- Public-sector managers, USA, 2002, followed 2 years
- Sample
- Non-probability chunk sample
- Respondents
- N = 59
- Non Response
- 17
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Work performance rated by management.
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on 8 questions:
Here is a list that describes some of the ways people feel at different times. How often do you feel each of these ways?
A On top of the world
B Very lonely or remote from other people
C Particularly excited or interested in something
D Pleased about having accomplished something
E Bored
F Depressed or very unhappy
G So restless that you could not sit long in a chair
H Vaguely uneasy about something without knowing why
Response options:
0 never
1 sometimes
3 often
PA = A+C+D (range 0-9)
NA = B+E+F+G+H (range 0-15)
ABS = PA-NA (range 1-7)
Name: Index of Psychological Wellbeing - Classification:
- A-BB-u-mq-v-3-e
- Author's label:
- Psychological well-being
- Page in publication:
- 148
- Error estimates:
- Cronbach alpha: .70
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 1 - 7 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 3.40 8.40
- SD:
- 1.50 -
- Full text:
Self report on 20 questions.
This scale consists of a number of words that describe different feelings and emotions. Read each item and mark the appropriate answer in the space next to that word. Indicate to what extend you generally feel this way, that is, how you feel on average?
A nervous
B distressed
C afraid
D jittery
E irritable
F upset
G scared
H ashamed
I guilty
J hostile
K excited
L active
M determined
N inspired
O enthusiastic
P alert
Q attentive
R proud
S strong
T interested
Answer options:
1 very slightly or not at all
2 a little
3 moderately
4 quite a bit
5 extremely
Negative affect score (NAS): (A to J)/10
Positive affect score (PAS): (K to T)/10
Affect Balance Score (ABS): PAS - NAS
Name: Watson et al's PANAS ('in general' version) - Classification:
- A-BW-g-mq-v-5-g
- Author's label:
- positive and negative mood
- Remarks:
- Positive Affect subscale: M= 3,1
Negtive Affect subscale: M=1,8 - Page in publication:
- 148
- Error estimates:
- Cronbach alpha PAS: .93, NAS .89
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range -4 - 4 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 1.30 -
- SD:
- 0.60 -
Correlational Findings
Supervisor rating of job performance