Sears & Barbee (1977): study US 1921
- Author(s):
- Sears, P.S.; Barbee, A.H.
- Title:
- Career and Life Satisfactions among Terman's Gifted Women.
- Source:
- Stanley, J.C.;George, W.C.;Eds.:"The Gifted and the Creative", J.Hopkins University Press, 1977, Baltimore, USA, 28 - 72
- Public
- Gifted women (IQ >135), followed 50 years, California, USA, 1921-72
- Sample
- Non-probability purposive sample
- Respondents
- N = 671
- Non Response
- Attrition in 1972: 25%
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Repeated interviews and questionaires
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on 2 questions:
A. "How important was each of the following goals in life in the plans you made for yourself in early adulthood?"
- occupational success
- family life
- friendships
- richness of cultural life
- total service to society.
1 less important to me than to most people
5 of prime importance to me
B. "How successful have you been in the pursuit of these goals?"
1 little satisfaction in this area
5 had excellent fortune in this respect
Computation: General Satisfaction 5 is the quotient obtained by multiplying the planned goal (early adulthood) by the reported success in attaining that goal, adding the five of these multiplied areas and dividing them by the sum of the planned goals for each of the areas.
Pa.Sa + Pb.Sb + Pc.Sc + Pd.Sd + Pe.Se
Pa + Pb + Pc + Pd + Pe
Pa = planned goal a (1-5)
Sa = success goal a (1-5) - Classification:
- C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a
- Author's label:
- General Satisfaction 5
- Full text:
Self report on single question: following enumeration of lifegoals in six areas, the last of which was 'joy in living'
" How successful have you been in pursuit of that goal.....?"
(joy in living)
5 had excellent fortune in this respect
1 found little satisfaction in this area - Classification:
- M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b
- Author's label:
- Joy in Living Satisfaction
Correlational Findings
Satisfaction with career
Satisfaction with earlier life style
Earlier socio-economic status
Earlier amount of organizational participation
Earlier attitudes to school
Acceptance of one's life-goals by others
Wished other life
Object of earlier goals
Exact ability
Earlier socio-economic status
Earlier persistence
Earlier self-confidence
Earlier self-image
Earlier self-image
Children as planned
Earlier occupation
Earlier ambitiousness
Perceived realization of life-goal set