Rosenfield (1992): study US 1988
- Author(s):
- Rosenfield, S.
- Title:
- Factors Contributing to the Subjective Quality of Life of the Chronic Mentally Ill.
- Source:
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1992, Vol. 33, 299 - 315
- Public
- 20-70 aged, chronic mental patients, USA, 1989
- Sample
- Non-probability purposive sample
- Respondents
- N = 157
- Non Response
- 7%
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
By clinical psychologists and psychiatric nurses.
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on single question, asked twice in interview:
How do you feel about your life as a whole......?
7 delighted
6 pleased
5 mostly satisfied
4 mixed
3 mostly dissatisfied
2 unhappy
1 terrible
Summation: arithmetic mean
Name: Andrews & Withey's "Delighted-Terrible Scale" (original version)
Also known as Lehman's 'Global life satisfaction' - Classification:
- O-DT-u-sqt-v-7-a
- Author's label:
- Overall Subjective Qualitiy of life
- Page in publication:
- 300
- Error estimates:
- Same question asked at the beginning and end of the interview. r=+.73
Correlational Findings
Kind of treatment for mental disorder
Current social support received
Time spend socializing
Individual counsel
On invitation, no pay
Treatment for mental disorder (clinical psychology, psychiatry)
Current social support received
Use of medical services
On invitation, no pay
Support/training for coping with mental disability
Individual counsel
On invitation, no pay
Frequency of use
Intensive guidance
Daily living skills
Current intimate relationships
Current social support received
Current time-organization