

Rose (1955): study US 1952


Rose, A.M.
Factors Associated with the Life Satisfaction of Middle-Class, Middle-Aged Persons.
Marriage and Family Living, 1955, Vol. 17, 15 - 19


Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
N = 416
Non Response
50 %
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Administered at home and rating by children.

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Self report on single question:

In general, how satisfied are you with your life.....?
5  very satisfied
4  satisfied
3  average
2  somewhat dissatisfied
1  very dissatisfied
Author's label:
Satisfaction with life

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding Number of children Number of children Number/percentage of children living at home Children in the household Wish one had larger or smaller number of children Satisfaction with number of children Fondness of child for parents Current relation with one's children Closeness of total family life Family climate
Perceived quality of intimate ties
Desire for having more amusement Specific changes wanted Want to spend more time in work around the house Specific changes wanted Want to spend less time in work around the house Specific changes wanted Number / percentage of children living at home Children in the household Amount of time spenton housework Time spend on household-work Having paid house- hold help Shared household-tasks Getting household assistance from children or husband Shared household-tasks Want to spend more time on work around the house Attitudes to household-work Want to spend less time on work around the house Satisfaction with time-use Engaging in hobbies Hobbies Desire for more amusement Leisure aspirations Being younger than spouse Heterogeneity of marriage-partners Life satisfaction of spouse Happiness of spouse
Happiness of spouse
Age of marriage(<20 vs later) Age of marriage with current partner Age of marriage(<30 vs later) Age of marriage with current partner Dissatisfaction withage of marriage Satisfaction with marriage Desire for longer schooling Educational aspirations
Specific changes wanted
Job satisfaction Satisfaction with work-as-a-whole Formal social participation Attendance to meetings Desire for social participation Concern about organizational participation Being employed out- side the house at paid tasks Full-time home maker Frequency of going out evenings with spouse Leisure activity
Shared activities of partners
Place of leisure (indoor vs outdoor)