Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /7
- Author(s):
- Noelle-Neumann, E.
- Title:
- Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness).
- Source:
- Baier, H.;Ed.: "Freiheit und Sachzwang", West Deutscher Verlag, 1977, Opladen, Germany, 208 - 262
- Public
- 16+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1976
- Survey name
- DE-Allensbacher Survey
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 30397
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Behavioural observation
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Interviewer-rating of cheerful appearance on 8 aspects
A The look is
2) open
1) evasive
- impossible to say
B The corners of the mouth turn
2) up
1) down
- impossible to say
C The posture is
2) relaxed, at ease
1) rather tense
- impossible to say
D The movements are
2) relaxed, at ease
1) limited, withdrawn
- impossible to say
E The eyes are
2) big, open
1) small, screw up
- impossible to say
F The elbows are kept
2) not close to the body
1) close to the body
- impossible to say
G The lips are more
2) broad, full
1) thin, pent up
- impossible to say
H All in all the subject looks
2) quite cheerful
1) not very cheerful
- difficult to say
Scoring: sum of aspect ratings
Name: `Allensbacher Ausdruckstest' - Classification:
- A-CA-mh-ri-v-2-a
- Author's label:
- Cheerful appearance (Fröhlich aussehen)
- Remarks:
- Percentage of ratings (cheerful or not) on the eight aspects in the test.
± 56% positive ratings (3), ± 10% fifty/fifty, ± 34% negative ratings (1)