Leviatan (2004): study IL 2004
- Author(s):
- Leviatan, U.
- Title:
- Belief in Values and Their Perceived Realization as Determinants of Quality of Life. The Case of Kibbutz Members.
- Source:
- Glatzer, W.; Von Below, S.; Stoffregen, M.; Eds.: "Challenges for Quality of Life in the Contemporary World", Kluwer, 2004, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 271 - 294
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, living in Kibbutzim, Israel, 2004
- Sample
- Probability cluster sample
- Respondents
- N = 4700
- Non Response
- 30%
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on single question:
"....... satisfaction with life ....."
(full question not reported)
5 very satisfied
4 satisfied
3 don't know/satisfied
2 don't know/not satisfied
1 disappointed in life - Classification:
- O-SL?-?-sq-v-5-a
Correlational Findings
Attitudes to communal living
Attitudes to communal living
Work values
Economical values
Materialistic values
Individualistic values
Attitudes to communal living
Value-environment fit
Attitudes to communal living
Satisfaction with work conditions
Satisfaction with company
Attitudes to communal living
Attitudes to communal living
Taking leading roles
Current occupation