

Forti & Huyg (1983): study US Louisiana 1977


Forti, T.J.; Huyg, M.S.
A Documented Evaluation of Primary Prevention through Consultation.
Community Mental Health Journal, 1983, Vol. 19, 290 - 304


Catholic nuns, re-organized cloister, followed 4 years, Louisiana, USA, 1977-1981
N = 137
Non Response
T1: 18%, T2: 14%, T3: 23%
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Self report on single  question:

Which face comes closest to expressing feeling about life as a whole?
7  delighted
6  very satisfying
5  satisfying
4  mixed
3  dissatisfying
2  very dissatisfying
1  terrible
-   No opinion

Name: Andrews & Withey's "Delighted-Terrible Scale" (modified
Author's label:
Global well-being
                            1977      1979      1981      

1. (Delighted)       20,6%     23,4%    27,2%
2.                         49,3%     55,2%    41,1%
Observed distribution
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 7 On range 0-10
2.10 8.50
0.50 -
Full text:
Self report on single question:

I am happy most of the time
1 true
0 false

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding Age Current age (in years) Number of years in cloister Length of current stay in institution
Living in a convent
Level of Education Level of school-education Father's Occupation Parents occupation Satisfaction with community Attitude to vicinity Satisfaction with fun and enjoyment Pleasant (vs unpleasant) Satisfaction with house/apartment Satisfaction with housing
Build environment
Satisfaction with provincial government Attitudes to local government Satisfaction with creativity Satisfaction with own creativeness Satisfaction with Catholic faith Satisfaction with religion Satisfaction with health Satisfaction with health Satisfaction with persons around Attitudes to institution Satisfaction with opportunity to change things Attitudes to institution Satisfaction with extent of self-development Developing (vs stagnating) Satisfaction with responsibilities forother sisters Attitudes to institution Satisfaction with interesting day-to-day life Interesting (vs boring) Satisfaction with closeness to nature Attitude to local natural environment Satisfaction with local house government Attitudes to institution Satisfaction with contributing to other people's lives Satisfaction with meaning of life Satisfaction with physical work and exercise Satisfaction with physical activity Satisfaction with fair treatment Satisfaction with fair treatment in nation
Change satisfaction with justice in nation
Satisfaction with adjustment to change Satisfaction with own coping with life-change General Affect O-DT by O-further
Summed life aspect evaluations (semantic differential scales)
Anxiety Scores on symptom inventories
Current mental complaints
Group cohesion Group morale
Attitudes to institution
Social support Group morale
Perceived availability of social support
Consultation: physical health Visits to doctor Consultation: mental health Actual changes in happiness
In ambulatory treatment
Being in treatment for mental disorder (vs not)
Frequency of use
Satisfaction with religious fulfillment Satisfaction with religion Organizational change Organizational change in institution
Climate of change
Happy most of the time O-DT by M-AO Feels useless at times Meaningful (vs useless) Satisfaction with accomplishments/ problem solving Earlier self-image
Later self-image
Satisfaction with own accomplishments